With flamboyant Northstar and a very drunk Mary Jane at the helm of America's Next Supermodel, the game is on! Only one superheroine will earn the title and she could be your very favorite!
Write in your favorite superheroine before we make the final call. Twelve contestants will make the cut. And all of the glory will belong to just one of them!
You wanna be on TOP? Hey Bitch... YOU BETTER WORK!!!
My girl AEON FLUX will kick everyone ass's... what about villains... can they compite????, as if... I'm routing for Mystique
Aeon Flux and Mystique... that's quite interesting.
Squirrel Girl! ;-)
Three girls are in so far: Aeon Flux, Mystique and Squirrel Girl. Nine slots are still open, make your nomination now before it's too late!
Well, i nominate Zattanna. She can with all the others
Then, Zatanna it is :)
With her sexy fishnets and backward spells, she had to be in!
You know, I'd also like to see Gizelle from Mystic in on this. And maybe Emma from Ruse...
Only if you're still looking for people that is...
Giselle and Emma... Now that's going to be interesting. They would be nominates #8 and #9. Too many girls from old Crossgen? We'll see.
We have 3 more slots open, who will make it?
And can someone other than me please nominate Power Girl? Looks like no one is getting the hint. Grrrrrr!
Shera!!! :)
MIstique???? why not Jane Craig???
She-Ra is in!
And who's Jane Craig??
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