10 girls have already made the cut and we still have 2 spots in the open. If you want your favorite in, you have to nominate her. If they go rogue out of scorn because you didn't support them, it will be your entire fault!
So far, these will be the stars of our big premier (in alphabetical order, of course):
Aeon Flux
Emma Bishop (from Crossgen's Ruse)
Giselle (from Crossgen's Mystic)
Red Sonja
Squirrel Girl
YO nomino a Betty Boop
Betty Boop! Esto va a estar muy interesante... jejejeje.
Qué lástima que llegué tarde! Sorry, i forgot it!!!
I was wondering if Barbarella could participate in the contest just in case one of the other girls had an "accident" or so... jeje
We still had one spot left, so, Barbarella it is ;).
The twelve contestants are already in, I guess it's about time to get started :D.
I was never so disappointed in my life as when I bought Barbarella and found out it was a movie completely devoid of swords.
I had high hopes for that film.
However, the Jim Henson-y labyrinth people were wicked! :D
I think I really need to see that movie. Now, more than ever, you know, with the contest getting started and all :D
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