The infamous time manipulator set us up and stopped time without warning and the result: Comics All Too Real went out of the loop for a while. We could have called it "Technical Difficulties" but it's always better to blame the real guilty party.
Comics All Too Real is back on schedule and our news corporation is suing Hiro Nakamura for damages and audience loss. We're still looking for laws concerning super powers, though--
Yay! Looking forward to more posts! :-)
Thanks! I have to start things rolling again. I have a very busy end of trimester at the University. But I'm here and America's Next SuperModel is about to start rolling for real, lol.
I am glad you are back, comicsalltooreal-o-san!
Thanks a lot, Tom. There's a lot to catch up! But I'll get there. I'll ask Hiro to do a little trick on other blogs, I mean, he owes me :P.
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