Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Abnormals Special #1 – Having tea with the weird (a spoiler free review)

An imp from hell walks into a bar a meets an alien girl--

No, this is not a scene of The Abnormals, but it reminds you what it’s like to have some fun with the weird, with all of the imagination and none of the angst.  There was a time in comic book history when adventures were fun and the power of thought was king, when you didn’t have to worry about a story being too hurtful or if it was going to tie into a zillion of other books.  This is what The Abnormals seem to be all about.  Simple and weird fun, and hey, there’s a moment when “simple” is also good.

The Abnormals Special #1 is a study of an extremely diverse group with very unlikely characters teaming up together.  Grant Springford, the creator of The Abnormals,  got inspired in the 80’s Marvel comic books and Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol, and you can really tell by the particular flavor of his characters.  Not wanting to spill too much about the them for you to find out, I will just say that one comes from Hell, another one seems to be an ancestor of the homo sapiens, and there’s even one who’s connected with the astral plane.  They’re set in England bringing a new edge to the British super-hero scene.

If you want to try The Abnormals, you can order it from Grant Springford’s website: 
He also has a fanpage in Facebook that you can visit here:

It’s an endearing colorful  book and, definitely, a work of love on Grant Springford’s part.