Monday, March 23, 2009

AdverComics 1: New Covers - New Ads

Since this blog is coming back to life, we decided to spice it up a litte. The team of Comics All Too Real brings you a new regular section within this blog: AdverComics!



Sea-of-Green said...

CHRIS?!?!?! You're back -- and in fine form, too! Hoorah! :-D

OMG -- That first ad is going to have me laughing ALL DAY. Yes, ugly sidekicks WOULD solve the problem!

Christian Zamora said...

Hey, Sea, good to see you again, too :).

I've been busy busy like a bee, but I plan to keep this blog going. Not on a daily post basis, but I'll do my best to keep it active.

As for Batman and Robin... if the first Robin was this ugly, rumors would have never started ;)

Unknown said...

Es un milagro!! Jure que estabas de vacaciones en tu crucero o que estabas en un bunker radioactivo.

Bienvenido, esta es tu casa.

Christian Zamora said...

Muchas gracias por la bienvenida, Metalero. He estado reocupado y creo que ya puedo dedicarle un poco más de tiempo al blog. Claro, no va a ser un post-frenzy como en noviembre, pero voy a estar subiendo cosas todas las semanas :)

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