This version of Hero Machine has some interesting tools. You can stretch any of the items and make them look just the way you want. For example, the cape was too large but I didn't want it to look that way, so I reduced it and this is how it looks. It's still Beta, which means there's still too few items or diversity of items, but it looks really promising. You should try it. I also tried a Marvelized version of Meteoro, if you're curious.
And how about naming my castle, the "Goth Castle"? Or just "Meteoro's Castle"? Or "Black Rock Castle"? I can't believe in all of these years of roleplaying I never named it. Or did I and I already forgot? Geez! The troubles of early Alzheimer.
Glad you enjoyed using the new mini beta, Chris. This is a small, pocket-sized applet for a specific client so the item count's going to stay pretty low. All of the new features are going to be included with HeroMachine 3, though, which will have a huge item count like the 2.x versions.
Cool castle background, too, I really like it!
Thanks, Jeff! The castle was courtesy of... uh... the web?
Anyway, I really like where HeroMachine is going. Make sure to let us know when it's finished :D
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