Sunday, December 14, 2008

CATR Awarded with "Premio al Esfuerzo Personal"

Comics All Too Real woke up to an extra cool Sunday today, as this blog got awarded with the "Premio al Esfuerzo Personal" given by Club Batman Blog.

The name of this award translates into "Personal Effort Award" but the full meaning in Spanish gets a little lost-- Anyway, it's some sort of meme award intended to highlight those blogs that show a lot of devotion and growth thanks to the effort of their writers.

Of course, there are certain rules that the winners should follow:

1. When you get the Award, you have to link back the blog or website that handed it to you.

2. You have to chose at least 7 other blogs that deserve to be given this "Premio al Esfuerzo Personal" and hand it to them.

3. This is optional. You can also show with pride the Award in your blog, linking it back to the post where you first posted it.

Soooooooooooo-- These are the new winners I chose:

El Blogazo del Comic. Because El Magnífico really helped me out when I was creating this blog and he keeps doing great stuff over there.

Green Lantern Butts Forever
. Because SallyP insists the Green Lantern Corps has the best collection of butts in the entire galaxy and there's no denying this fact!

Hoosier Journal of Inanity. Because Sea_of_Green's view of comicdom is the stuff of legends. Besides, she also likes the Green Lanterns and that's definitely a plus.

Acromegalia. Because Wargo is great with his Terminal Fantasy storyline and his blog has also become a place where friends can gather and have some fun.

Pai. Because Saranga has great insight whether in comic books or in real life and it's nice to talk to her.

The Anti-Bullshit Dome of Wonder. Because TF is a great artist and his strips can only get better and better.

Comics, Música, Películas, Series de TV y Más!! Because Metalero y Comiquero is a good friend I made on the web and he's always looking forward to do some new and great stuff.

You ask me, all of the blogs I link in the column of the right are winners. That's the only reason I have them there, but since I had to choose only 7, I had to be biased.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the award, I never received a web blog before, so I have to think throughly what I shall do with it.

Christian Zamora said...

You can always use it to keep a door open or something. That's what I'd do with an Emi :P

Thomas Fummo said...


*throws some shapes on the dancefloor*

Christian Zamora said...

Nice dance. I'm soooooo keeping this video.

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